Sunday, October 30, 2016

An Italian classic!! Beretta model 1934 in 380 ACP.
please click the link above to watch the video for the model 1934!

Beretta began making barrels in or around 1680 they were known as the  top barrel makers in Val Trompia according to earliest company records. after the birth of Piero Antonio Beretta they became known as Fabbrica d’Armi Pietro Beretta. Giuseppe Antonio Beretta develops the company into a complete manufacturer for firearms and increases prodution to more than 7,000 pieces. 

Pietro Beretta takes control of the company and develops it into one of the largest firearms manufacturers in the world. Beretta also at this time acquired Mi-val a shotgun manufacturer. after the birth of Carlo Beretta, Beretta begins manufacturing handguns for the officers of the Royal Army of Italy. and signs a contract to supply 1000 machine gun barrels FIAT, the introduction of the model 1914 and Model 91 Pocket pistol begin. 

Beretta acquires Fabbrica d’Armi Lario, near Lake Como, and trasfers its machinery to Gardone Val Trompia. after the birth of Ugo Gussalli Beretta they begin the 
Stella and Piccione models of shotguns. beretta signs a Contract with the Italian Government for the sale of Mod. 1934 pistols MAB – Beretta Automatic moschet
ASE model. Also Beretta begins its US operations and creates Beretta USA. also the 
First Olympic games with clay-shooting sports begins.which brings us to the modern age roughly 1962. the rest we pretty much know.

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