Sunday, November 6, 2016

really, a pocket dump? why?
So what is a pocket dump? we have seen them all over social media. we see a pocket knife, boondoggle, flashlight, primary firearm, backup firearm, etc. So why such variation? and what is the purpose of the items? why the super slick fancy folder? and so on. Well my friends, we here at Left Hand Right Gun are going to break down our Items in a video.

The purpose of the pocket dump in my eyes is to show off the cool knickknacks. Personally in my case and in the case of my cohort. each item has legitimate use, and most if not all are two fold and are used daily. 

The pocket knife. should be self explanatory right? I use mine for cutting a myriad of items at work. But it doesn't stop there. My knife is my secondary defensive tool. also to be used in  medical emergency situations. 

The lighter. Used primarily for melting ends and edges of poly cord and such. but also using it for sterilization of tools. or starting a signal fire if needs be. And no I do not smoke.

The pen. My pen doubles as a tertiary non lethal defensive tool. Shaped in such a way that it has an effective pressure point poker and a Knurled body for use as a Kubaton. It writes really nice too.

The Flashlight. I work at the Butt crack of dawn. I get up before the milk man. so a flashlight is needed almost everyday. but is that it's only use? My flashlight has a strobe feature that can disorient a would be attacker. giving me the most valuable asset in a self defense scenario, time. Time to get away, time to draw a personal defense tool, etc. plus to doubles as a physical defense tool as well.

And of course my firearm. it has one job and one job only. In a situation where I am backed into the proverbial corner with no way out. It allows for me to protect myself when I need it most.

There are many other Items in my pocket dump but that will be in the video coming shortly. please visit us on facebook, youtube, Instagram and Twitter for more tips and trick


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