Monday, October 31, 2016

a question for today. is training with an EDC really important?

As we roll along in this world it is important to note: just because we see ourselves as a good guy with a firearm does not mean we have become invincible. What have we done to ensure that if a critical defense situation occurs we are up to the task? How much training, what level of training? Training absorption? Training execution? Do we do drills at home or play on our devices? If you as the good guy take that responsibility to carry, remember we fall to the level of our training not rise to it.

Though there are many in the firearms community that have been LEO or military trained. It is important for those of us that have not, to diligently seek out professional training. Now with that said, who do we choose to learn from? If you can get to a reputatble big name player in the industry, go. Though Some will center their instruction around subjects that do nothing for the everyday carrier. Research is your key to having a successful experience. And no, your instruction at the time of your CCW does not go far enough in depth to teach fundamentals of EDC (EveryDay Carry) for the civilian.

 If you are new to EDC. start with a beginners class. grip, stance, draw, sight picture, etc. and as you progress in skills the classes will become more in depth. Cost an issue? think of it this way, how much money are you willing to place on the lives of you and your family?  again, we do not become a superhero just because we are a good guy with a firearm. So enough reading, get out of that chair and book your first or your seventeeth firearms class. P.S. there are going to be phenomenal, less well known instructors in your area that will fit the bill. research is key.  

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