Friday, February 3, 2017

Taurus PT 99 the Beretta 92FS clone

Taurus PT99 video here!

I must admit right off the bat there has been some Taurus pistols on the market that have not been up to snuff. But since certain information has come to light I believe we are about to see some interesting changes in Taurus. Now not to say all Taurus pistols are sub par, I will say there has been a few that really have caught my eye. The PT738 .380acp pistol is simple in design and functions quite well. The older manufactured PT99's fit in this same category. When Beretta left Brazil in the 80's they sold the factory and the tooling to Taurus, who still manufacture the Beretta 92 clones using the same tools. All without a license from Beretta. since the design is based on the original Beretta 92, of which the patents are now expired.

Not much should surprise us from Taurus. They have always been on, for a lack of a better term, the cutting edge of the firearm Industry. They have designed and produced many interesting firearms over the years. With the advent of the new American made and engineered Spectrum line of pistols, Taurus is at it again.

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