Thursday, April 13, 2017

Kimber Ultra Carry II, a 1911 for carry?

 Kimber 1911 Ultra Carry II video here!
So, here is where I am sure to lose readers. The 1911 is a great gun, Just maybe not that great for carry. When milliseconds count do you really have time to waste making sure you have disabled all your safeties before you can discharge your firearm? I enjoy single action semi's as well as the next guy for range days but not for carry. And whether you like it or not, it is antiquated technology. Browning had tossed this design into the mix for trials for the military. Consequently, the military asked for the beaver tail grip safety.

I own a Star BM which utilized some of the features of the 1911 and has improved some of the design. Not to say the Star is a better firearm, I as an armorer like them much better. Star removed the beaver tail grip safety, mainspring housing and multi-finger sear spring. while adding a captured recoil spring and simplified sear spring system. Is the Star better? not necessarily, but I like the ease of breakdown and overall operation more.

Would I own a 1911? You bet. I would race that pig out! Doll it up nice and fancy and show all my buddies just how badass a 1911 can be. Just won't find me going out of my way to EDC one.

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