Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Veritas Aequitas, Truth and Justice.

As much as I hate to say it, we live in a grey world; more so, today I think than ever before. With social norms changing and the advent of social media our world has expanded rapidly to include many people we may not have met through what I consider traditional means. Though this for the most part is not a bad thing it challenges us to accept things we may not have considered before. We receive news from so many different sources today it is difficult to weed out what is truth and what is not. So much so that "truth" has become relative. Suffice it to say, truth has become what you make it. This suggestion tears at me to no end, without due process on our part we hear words that tickle our ears and agree that that is now our truth. 

I am a history buff, My collection of books on history almost fills an entire bookshelf. But they are not just any history books. When I decide on a book to purchase or read to give me as accurate "truth" as possible I turn to the back of the book. For me the Index or works cited section needs to be about the same size as a chapter in the book. But it's more than just size, those cited works need to be from the source in the form of personal writings, letters, published works from the subject and so on. depending solely on anothers commentary is really reading that persons opinion on the matter and not what we should be calling truth. I am even skeptical of so-called "experts" in the field that do not cite actual facts from the source itself. May I remind you we are speaking History. Yes, there is their own opinion in their writing of the history, I am not a fool to think otherwise. There is an saying floating around, "opinions are like armpits, we all have a couple and they all stink." 

Today I feel the art of investigation is lost. We depend on others searching out the truth and accepting it as such. Needless to say, I trust very few to bring me a story touting it as truth and myself believing it without my own hunt for what is actually fact vs. opinion. Creating an opinion based upon someones own commentary is foolish and makes us look so when the truth is finally revealed, though in today's society this rarely matters anymore. This is not something that just plagues the news media of today but most aspects of our lives, even in our own circles.

we have become so enamored with answers at our fingertips we have forgotten that everyone has an angle they are willing to use you to exploit it. Either we see what we want or the opposite and jump to defend our positions regardless. Yes, we have a right to our own opinion, lets just make sure ours stink less than the other persons, A.K.A. use facts.

If you are willing to attach your name to something, please keep an eye on your interest. Others will say they are trying to help advance your business or name yet may not have your truest intention in mind. This has been a controversy that has popped up recently in the firearms world. Not the first and I am sure not the last. But before you become that keyboard warrior or die hard supporter get the Truth so Justice may prevail.


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