Thursday, August 24, 2017

self defense snippet #1 : Concealed Carry Podcast with Andrew Branca

In this snippet I wanted to highlight one of the many podcasts that I listen to. The Concealed Carry Podcast is a very informative show centered around keeping CCW'ers in the loop for defense and training. In their Episode #148 Stand Your Ground- SElf Defense Law with Andrew Branca. They delve into a world that many people really only understand by way of meme and keyboard warriors. Please give this episode a listen, I realise it is 1 hour and 23 minutes long, but if you wanted to know from a self defense lawyer the in's and out's of legal rammification during a self defense situation here is just a sample of what to look for. Andrew Branca's book, The Law of Self Defense can be purchased at the link. Also Andrew does have classes on this subject and can be scheduled here. Give Concealed Carry Podcast a subscribe and listen and read Andrew Branca's book, better yet, get into one of his classes if you can.

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