Thursday, January 26, 2017

are you tactical or tacticool?

the American soldier uses certain equipment to aid him in his quest for victory on the field of battle. Trained extensively in it uses to the point that it becomes apart of them. They are trained to think in a certain manner as to show dominance over their adversary. But to those of us not faced with a known enemy in different uniform on a field dedicated to battle, do we truly understand how to be tactical?

As a civilian, in our daily lives we have no practical purpose for the ballistic helmet. Nor, do we see the use for 60 plus pound kit to aid in getting home at night to the ones we love. Though is being tactical just the appearance? Or is there a deeper meaning to the word?

In the world of the soldier, the equipment and kit they carry is as much apart of their being tactical as the training they receive. As a civilian we too can be tactical, but in a much different frame and scope.

Does the clothing truly make the man? In our day to day we put on pants, shorts, or skirt. A tee shirt, polo, blouse or dress shirt. All in the name of decency and respect not only for ourselves but for others around us. These items themselves can aid a civilian in being tactical. In most States we have the ability to be concealed carriers of potential life saving tools. Lets call it as it is, depending on the tools we decide to carry our clothes must fit around said tools. This is of course a topic of great debate.

There is a quote out there that states, "fight as you train, train as you fight." With that in mind, if you head to the range consistantly in BDU style diggs, but you wear a suit and tie in daily life, are you truly reaping the benefits of your training? Training with a OWB holster more than the IWB holster you use on a daily basis does pose a risk when it comes to your draw step.

Knowledge is key. I think we can all agree to that, yes? Training in using our tools, just as in any prefession, is paramount to getting the job done efficiently and effectively. You may find that during continued training that certain portions of the wardrobe and gear may change. That is according to what you decide to carry and the social engagements we find ourselves in. Now we find ourselves having to change wardrobe and tactics in how to best carry and use the tools according to that specific engagement. We must be flexible, and countless hours of different styles of training must be learned to keep ourselves at the top of our game.

learning some type of martial art may be of use. Some feel that specific styles should be learned. But what if it was more about the discipline and understanding the body language of your advesary? The argument is vast and rightly so. Yet we must keep in mind, opinions are like armpits, everyone has a couple and they all stink. The health benefits of the martial education and Lord willing if you have a good instructor, it will be less about destruction and more about awarness and execution.

lets drop any macho attitudes and learn a few life saving tactics. Humility and evasion. If we find ourselves caught in  an vocal altercation is it not wise to bow out and save ourselves having to employ a potentially fatal tool? for what? pride or a material item? the tool we carry for all practical purposes should be a last resort to a situation. Now granted, we may not get to employ verbal kung fu and it may be that we must first reach for said tool. But these tactics come with training body and mind. Watching SHTF in front of you? look for that escape route. you may not be seeing all participants in play. Using a tactical approach keeps you alive.

So, to answer our question. Can a civilian be tactical? We better be. We just don't need the helmet and military uniform to do it.

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