Sunday, January 1, 2017

Attitude, are you dishing it out?

A New Years resolution?

As human beings we each have certain qualities that make us who we are. And in most cases we can adapt old ones, even acquire new qualities. But there is one quality that each concealed carrier should learn to advance. Our attitude plays a major part in the outcomes of any situation.

So lets bring this into a self defense situation. Without a doubt our first course of action we get from Mr. Miyagi, " Remember, best block, no be there." Basically don't be where you know you should not. Secondly, if the situation comes to you, attempt to flip the situation in your favor. Our best defense tool is our common sense and our communication skills.We all need to take that proverbial step back and assess whether or not the argument is really worth what may be a possible crappy outcome.

Our ability to shirk possible confrontations is key when trying to de-escalate issues with other folks in public. Your ability to disengage from that scenario will help, especially if there are CCTV or others taking video during a heated conversation. We have all seen them on the web where a situation arose from a ridiculous subject and exploded into a full on conflict. That little video no matter where they started filming, will not be your friend in a courtroom if there is not indisputable fact that you tried every avenue to de-escalate and walk away. Pride in this instance is not your friend. What a stranger says about you or a loved one should mean nothing to you. They do not know you and have no bearing on your happiness. Be the better person and live your life as such.

Road Rage is another area a lot of us find ourselves in. It happened, let it go. You will likely never see them again and if there was no damage or injury that has occurred, technically speaking all is well. Things will happen out of our control on a daily basis. From that co-worker that does not do his job to the company standard or a guy that cuts you off on the highway. Why would you let yet another complete stranger dictate your happiness?

Do you find yourself the loser in competitive sports? This as well is an area we as humans do not like to be in. Again, in this life we will not be the favored winners at everything. It is a part of life. So move on, right? it hurts and there are times when we are made the butt of jokes from friends and colleagues due to our inability to be great at something. I know this sounds childish but it happens. Use it as an educational lesson. Do not get swallowed in the back and forth if you think things may get heated.

This all boils down to what we as humans are going to allow in our lives that affect us negatively. No, I am not going to ask you to start doing meditating and sitting cross-legged on the floor every time something horrible happens to you, although if that is your thing by all means, hit it up. I am not asking you to become the sniveling crybaby looking for Momma every time someone hurts your feelings. I am simply asking you to honestly look at the situation and decide logically if losing or taking a life over that last big screen T.V. during Black Friday is really worth it.

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