Monday, December 12, 2016

Altering your EDC.

Have you been wanting that new trigger for your EDC? drops the trigger weight and smooths it out so it runs like buttah. Or that sick new threaded barrel for that suppressor you might buy someday? Or how about that cool back plate with the saying only gun people understand.

Though it all may sound well and good. that is until you have to use said EDC firearm in a defensive situation. What may not seem to be much to us, may become ammunition for a prosecuting attorney. That mod may only have been to make reaction times faster, because we know that every milisecond counts in a defensive situation.

For those of us that have yet to find ourselves in this situation, all it takes is a quick search of the web or even chatting with a few buddies that have been through the legal aspects of self defense will tell you a different story.

In more cases than not, once a self defense scenario plays itself out you are going to surrender your firearm. If not a few months then potentially for years. Thats a lot of money and time you are without your EDC. But it is not just a money thing. The prosecutor will not be stupid, they will have their own agenda to figure out an angle to make their client look good in the eyes of the court. having a modified EDC may hinder your chances at a positive outcome. Stating as fact that you have altered your firearm to be more effective at killing. Which may not be far off, but it is the way it is worded. You modified your firearm to make it more reliable and accurate from shot to shot. See the difference?

Or you have tossed in the threaded barrel for use with a suppressor, just because you can ('Merica) or because it maybe the only firearm you have and it pulls double duty as a range piece and your EDC. Either way in the eyes of prosecution and possibly a non firearm community jury it may look like a very scary man killer. It is as if you need to look at your EDC from the other side of the table before you decide to upgrade your primary carry.

Though there are times where a modification may not be a detriment in the courtroom. That is if you can prove that modifying your EDC helps you control the firearm better. If the trigger is just too much for you to use effectively. Showing the court that dropping trigger pull weight due to an injury to your hand may work in your favor.

Now not to say that attaching a 2 round extension on your mags is a bad thing, but adding that 2 round with "MOLON LABE" on the base may not be the wisest of ideas. Or the back plate that has "INFIDEL" laser etched into it  may convey the wrong sentiment to a jury. If there are mods you just have to have for your EDC make them simple. Besides, it is your CONCEALED carry piece for a reason. In my state even showing another firearm enthusiast in a "public" area could be considered brandishing if someone so decided to push the issue. The grey matter between your ears is always going to be your best mode of defense in this crazy world we live in. Though we as a firearms community think this stuff is fine and without threat, you must realize that the rest of the world may not see it our way.

In closing, to keep yourself easier to defend in court. Keep the EDC plain Jane, and jazz up that range piece! 

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