Monday, December 5, 2016

Should your firearm be your first defensive choice?

Well isn't this the Million dollar question. No self defense situation is ever going to be just like another. Even survivors of attacks, whether they have been confronted with a weapon or not will tell you outcomes will differ depending on a multitude of variables. Victim numbers and perpetrator numbers changes the parameters dramatically as well.

I am not here to tell you that the use of the firearm you legally carry should not be deployed, but perhaps there are alternatives to the firearm. Personally I carry other items with me in case I deem my firearm is not needed. If you have seen the pocket dump we did not to long ago we showed we actually carry more less than lethal modes of self defense than we do lethal.

This is not just a cut and dry question, but we wanted to get it out that maybe your firearm is not the only answer. Many self defense situations have been de-escalated with mere words of warning. but use of an O.C. or a knife of some type being shown could be just as effective as the firearm in concluding the event. In my state we are not allowed to brandish a firearm. Technically speaking if you skin that smoke wagon you better be damn sure you are going to use it. The use of your brain is going to be your biggest asset in de-escalating or resolving the conflict.

If you have not been trained, how is your brain going to know which level of force is necessary for that situation? Granted this all happens at the speed of light and judging these things is difficult to marginalize. Heading to a local dojo is going to give you the skills to use your hands or some other tool at hand. But I am talking about the psychological training you get from a specified self defense training course. One where specific scenarios are played out. Understanding signs during the situation will help you determine what course of action to take. Sometimes that amount of time is not afforded to you. In those cases you use what is closest at the time and work your way to what is going to stop the threat.

Unfortunately many believe that strapping on a firearm transforms them into some super human being that can take care of the worlds ills. Sadly most only have enough know how to load and fire their firearm. Training is a costly venture for sure, But you decided that protecting yourself was important. Training is as essential as owning the firearm itself. without training you and your firearm may be useless when the time comes it is truly needed. There is so much more to this self defense thing than just a gun and a good holster. Target practice at the local range standing still shooting at a static target can help get rounds on point, but learning to scoot and shoot, concealment and cover, shooting under and around cover are vital assets to own in a confrontation. As well as when to draw, how to draw and from what holster position is easiest for whatever is tossed your way. learning the limitations of your self defense tool of choice and how to use it properly will be a saving grace. Think of training as ongoing higher learning for a career in life.

The Internet is full of amazing information. a quick google search for training in self defense will surely bring you to a plethora of qualified individuals. Vetting them is another worth while effort on your part, ask questions at the local shops or dojos as to who teaches self defense courses and if they are good. Word of mouth from other students or others you may know with the same goals as yourself can also be a tremendous help.

whether you decided to carry a firearm only or decide that other means of self defense are what you want, get the training to properly use that tool or if the need arises.

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